Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Armed Men Hijack Car of African Evangelist

Armed Men Hijack Car of African Evangelist

Note: This press release is authorized by African evangelist Loren Davis.

Oct 28, 2005

On September 26th, in Nairobi, Kenya, minutes after American-born evangelist Loren Davis finished meeting with 300 Kenyan pastors to warn them about the dangers and pitfalls of Rick Warren's Purpose Driven programs, Davis' car was hijacked by two unidentified armed men. "I left after dark," said Davis. "My crusade manager asked me and my wife to ride with him in his car, so we left our men to bring our vehicle. Later that night, we got a call from our men. They had been hijacked."

Davis explained that just after his men drove outside the church compound, two gunmen jumped them, forcing them into the back seat. The armed men said if they didn't cooperate they would kill them. "For over thirty minutes the hijackers drove around Nairobi terrorizing them," Davis said.

"Finally, miraculously, they let our men go, along with our vehicle, stealing only two mobile phones and some small money. Our men said that they wondered if the hijackers were after me, because we had a lot of expensive electronic equipment in the vehicle, which they left alone. My vehicle, which was well marked with our ministry logo, is the one I usually ride in. It was picked out of all the cars at the conference." The incident left Davis and others shaken.

Davis, who has been an evangelist in Africa for seventeen years with his wife Celeste, is warning Christian leaders and pastors in Africa about Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven program. Davis has planted 132 churches throughout Africa over the last two decades and says he is deeply troubled about the widespread influence Rick Warren has already had in many African churches.
According to Davis, Rick Warren's teachings are often unscriptural and contain serious New Age implications.

Davis says his warning has been met with some hostility and risk. "I was told by reliable sources that in Rwanda I could be arrested for criticizing Rick Warren because of Warren's connection with the president." Rick Warren has already visited with Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, and would like to see Rwanda become the first " Purpose Driven nation."

Several Kenyan pastors asked Davis if he would speak on November 2nd in Nairobi, just six days prior to Rick Warren arriving. Warren is scheduled to speak at Nairobi Pentecostal Church from November 8th to 11th.

The November 2nd meeting with Davis is expected to draw over a thousand pastors and leaders. Davis states that he will give the same documented presentation that has already convinced many African pastors and leaders to abstain from Rick Warren's fast growing world-wide agenda.

Rick Warren's global P.E.A.C.E. Plan is targeting the continent of Africa. He believes the world is on the brink of a great spiritual awakening and that every religion can be used to bring this "new reformation" into place. In May, at the Pew and Religion Forum, Rick Warren stated: "Who's the man of peace in any village - or it might be a woman of peace - who has the most respect, they're open and they're influential? They don't have to be a Christian. In fact, they could be a Muslim, but they're open and they're influential and you work with them to attack the five giants. And that's going to bring the second Reformation.

"While Rick Warren's global P.E.A.C.E. Plan is based on good works, Davis is concerned about where this movement is ultimately heading. He is particularly concerned that this new "reformation" is under girded by ecumenical/New Age considerations.

For Further Information on this situation:

Lighthouse Trails Research Project

Moriel Ministries


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