Friday, December 02, 2005

Where Has the Discernment Gone?

This excellent post is from the Spiritual Research Network Edinburgh blog. A must-read for all remnant Christians who are concerned about the ever growing apostasy sweeping America and the globe:

People, how bad is the blindness gonna get? Read the excerpt below from Hal Lindsey. Then check out what the TBN ministry believes, endorses and will not repent from; and then read Hal Lindsey's quote again, and then look at the walls of the Trinity Broadcasting Network.After listening to the audio clips and videos you too will say, "This is madness!!!"

The following quote is in relation to a prayer request from Hal Lindsey regarding TBN taking his program off the air. For news stories go here in order to understand the context of his following quote that we post:

Posted: December 2, 2005 TBN Drops Hal Lindsey for offending Muslims Posted: December 2, 2005 TBN Drops Hal Lindsey, Posted: December 1, 2005 Hal Lindsey's 'anti-Muslim' show droppedChristian television network denies decision related to content Posted: December 2, 2005WORLDNETDAILY - MEDIA MATTERSTBN admits concern about offending MuslimsNetwork revises statement on pre-emption of Hal Lindsey show

READ HAL LINDSEY'S STAGGERING ENDORSEMENT OF TBN:Posted in: Prophecy Update - The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 2) - 12/1/05Dec 01, 2005
"Make no mistake; I deeply love the Trinity Broadcasting Network. I have been intimately involved with this incredible worldwide ministry for over three decades. Actually from its very beginning. More than most, I know and appreciate the tremendous sacrifices its founders made to build it. I deeply appreciate the platform TBN has given me in years past. I honestly believe there are few organizations in operation today that can play as great a role in the end-time harvest as TBN. I truly believe TBN's greatest days could be yet to come. "
Read the whole email in context at IN JESUS UPDATE.
Those "tremendous sacrifices" that have helped build TBN include the total perversion on Scripture, the promotion of cultic and even satanic 'Word Faith' heresies, becoming Ecumenical with Rome, and a continued resistance and outright rebellion against the Biblical ministires and ministers that have tried to hold TBN accountable. Below is the irrefutable proof. It is staggering that Hal Lindsey, who has a 'Bible based prophecy ministry' has missed the main thing Jesus said would happen...deception in the name of Christ.
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ [Anointed]; and shall deceive many”. (Matthew 24:3-4)
Is this not what the TBN prophets continuosly cry " I am anointed!!!", "give me more anointing Lord", "more, more, more...let IT flow...!"
False prophets promote false anointings in the name of Christ. Their dosctine reveals what their anointing is...a counterfeit Holy Spirit.
Even Bill Bright and Billy Graham have given their own personal endorsements of Paul Crouch and TBN.
See their personal, written endorsements below. They are framed in glass and they hang upon the walls of the second floor of the TBN headquarters.

THESE ARE LIVE AUDIO CLIPS. These are just a few!
Giant Audio Archive10 minutes of excerpts from Dateline's Benny Hinn investigation
Word Faith Techers Live Audio Heresies
Mrs. Benny Hinn out of control
Denying the Trinity:William BranhamJoseph Good
Comments about William Branham:Benny Hinn
Jesus may not be God:Paul Crouch and Kenneth Copeland
Christians evolve into gods: Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin Benny Hinn Benny Hinn Benny Hinn John
Avanzini and Morris Cerullo Paul Crouch
The UPC cult are good Christians: Paul Crouch
Redefining the Trinity:Benny Hinn 9 of themBenny Hinn
Father has a Body (Crouch - Trinity unimportant)
Faith is a force & Jms 4 is stupid: Kenneth CopelandFred Price Crouch, Price, Tilton, Hagin
Sickness is Demonic: Robert Tilton Benny Hinn
Astral Projection:Kenneth CopelandGod the Father is a Man: Kenneth Copeland 6ftKenneth Copeland Adam is GodGod the Father is from another planet: Kenneth Copeland Kenneth CopelandTrue Christians are Rich: Fred Price Robert Tilton R. W. ShambachTrue Christians do not get Sick: Benny Hinn Hobart Freeman Fred Price Fred Price Kenneth CopelandJesus suffers in hell:Fred Price Fred Price Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin Kenneth HaginAdam was God/Super being: Benny Hinn (Adam flew to the moon) Kenneth Copeland

NOW READ HAL LINDSEY'S QUOTE AGAIN:From: Prophecy Update - The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 2) - 12/1/05Dec 01, 2005"Make no mistake; I deeply love the Trinity Broadcasting Network. I have been intimately involved with this incredible worldwide ministry for over three decades. Actually from its very beginning. More than most, I know and appreciate the tremendous sacrifices its founders made to build it. I deeply appreciate the platform TBN has given me in years past. I honestly believe there are few organizations in operation today that can play as great a role in the end-time harvest as TBN. I truly believe TBN's greatest days could be yet to come. "
Read the whole email in context at IN JESUS UPDATE.