Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Apostasy Arrives at Wheaton College

John Armstrong: Wheaton Will Welcome Gay Dialogue

Former conservative author John Armstrong is cheering Wheaton College's pledge to dialogue with and learn from Soulforce, the gay protest bus tour headed to various Christian colleges across the country. While sharing the Gospel in true Christian love with these souls in bondage is exactly the right approach, that doesn't appear to be part of Wheaton College's stated agenda. Wheaton leadership views this event as a "learning experience" for Christian students.
Vague terms like "dialogue" are disturbing in light of the fact that so few young people today are equipped and discipled and ready to handle the onslaught of error these homosexual activists will bring with them. It is now terribly out of vogue to openly share with anyone the bad news of God's Law before proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel. We are to emphasize love and unity and somewhere down the line they'll figure out that God loves them and has a great plan for their lives. Note how Stan Jones of Wheaton College uses the same terminology as Brian McLaren about homosexuality in announcing Wheaton's welcome to Soulforce.

From Slice of Laodicea (A highly recommended Christian blog)

Berean Christians be aware!


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