Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Getting Back In the Saddle...

By Faithful to Him

After a month of post-surgical recovery and then a respiratory illness things are falling back into place and this blog will begin to pick up again.

I want to urge other bloggers who feel passionate about life and freedom and the truth, about what it really means to be an American, to get involved as much as you can, writing detailed entries that others will see and contemplate. We can start a blogfire of information. There is so much the mainstream media does not want people to know. They don't want the truth to go mainstream, to be available for thinking human beings to measure, weigh, and consider and discover the truth of what is really taking place around us in our world every day.

Congress continues to sneak through bills that change and rob us of our freedom here in America. With America as the long-lived icon of freedom now being pulled down by enemies who hide in the shadows, who do their evil deeds in the darkness while people are distracted in another direction, the rest of the world is being affected, too. They see America as a slowly sinking ship, freedom thrown overboard to drown in the sea of oppression and lies and tyranny. The waves of the sea are growing, tossing, and engulfing the ship.

We need people to signal, to shine the light to safety and freedom, to sound the alarm to wake others who don't think that our freedom is under attack. The irony, and perhaps the hardest part of all this to believe, is that our freedom is under attack from our own government and system, because of globalism; the deal our leaders have made with the global agenda, selling out our jobs, passing laws that give them the right to take our private property, removing presidential term limits, lying about the military draft as they kill our men and women on foreign soil, accepting international law that makes our vitamins and natural remedies illegal, and on and on...

Folks, I'm going to be honest here, as a former Republican (no, I'm not a Democrat either), but our president is not the man he claims to be. He's not a true conservative, and yet he's not the true friend of the liberal either. If we look at what is happening right now we can see that both conservatives and liberals are riled up about G.W. Is he really the man he claimed to be before he was "elected" in 2000? Are his actions really where his mouth is? Have they ever been, at least where the greatest good for America and her Constitution is concerned, accurate and honest, with true follow-through enacted? G.W. is working for the Globalists and their agenda, for the New World Order (which is not our friend, no matter how much you are told it is) and not for the American people, not for the freedom that has made our nation what it is all these years. There really are those who wish to destroy freedom and its God-given rights. They put on an air that is quite convincing. I urge you not to fall for it another minute. Hopefully you are one of those who has already caught on to what is really taking place.

I was once bamboozled by G.W., but I began listening to credible sources who had a track record of predicting major happenings before they happened, because they did not give in to the media lies, the painted stories, the controlled information. I began to check on this information myself and found it to be rock-solid, valid. For some reason Americans, long ago, began being told that what comes out of the "idiot box" in their livingroom was the source of all wisdom and truth. Now, some 55 years after the invention of that clever little tool that was Hitler's dream come true, posthumously, look at the several generations who have grown up believing (because it's all they've known and been told) what the boob tube tells them. We somewhere lost the ability to think for ourselves, and don't really know when exactly this happened. But it did.

To paraphrase someone, "he who controls the mind truly controls (runs) the world..." You know, that is not at all off base. Think about it. Do you really want your mind controlled for another minute?

We need to get away from the "right verses left" lie that THEY have painted for us to believe. Both left and right work together. Otherwise, why do you see Slick Willy popping up, lately, wherever G.W. and G.W.'s Daddy seem to be going these days? Even on vacation?? What about the quote from G.W.'s Momma, that most TV watchers probably did not hear, where she said that "Bill Clinton is like my son."?? Yeah, folks, she really did say that, and credible sources outside the tightly-controlled idiot box wrote about it, recorded it, made it know to those who seek information outside the usual and ordinary.

In the next few weeks I am going to use this blog to try and get the public to realize some very important things coming down the pike from our now corrupt and too-big government. As they join hands with the global market more and more freedoms are being erased as our Constitution must be dismantled and altered to suit the United Nations' and its global government agendas. I want to cover something called "Codex Alimentarius." I want to explain what it is, what it means, and what it intends for you and me and our last vestiges of freedom.

You might have heard "Codex" is a hoax, an urban legend...but it is not. The powers that be want you and me to think it's not real, that it's fake, and while they sway our minds to believe what they say they are altering OUR freedom until it becomes full-blown oppression.

If we do not wake up and tell the government, remind them, that this country was founded "by the people, for the people" then we will be living lives under a system that will nearly make Communism look enjoyable and friendly. I am talking about full-blown global tyranny, and while it might seem far-fetched and unreal to many of you, I implore you to stick with me so you can learn and see that this is very real. Don't wait until it is too late to wake up and find out that life as you know it, as a free person who decides what is good and bad for you and your family, has been completley changed and ripped away from you. Don't allow freedom to become a distant memory. I make this plea after nearly sixteen months of study, validating the information. Your ignorance is their advantage, and I cannot state that strongly enough. Hear this before it reaches the point of no return.

In short, let me tell you that the New World Order is not your friend, America! It is directly opposed to what our forefathers intended when they wrote up the documents of freedom some 232 years ago. If we do not educate ourselves, then one day it will be too late.

Join me in learning, in telling others. Once we surrender all our trust and freedom to the government so they (whomever "they" really are) can "take care of us" and "look out for our best interests and safety" we are no longer free. We've let them tell us too long that we don't really know what is best for ourselves and our families, that we don't really know what is best when it comes to freedom, safety, and protection. It's time for that to stop. NO ONE knows about your best interests (health, safety, family, freedom to live) better than YOU. Don't forget that. Our patriot forefathers bled and died for that truth, that freedom, that reality.

Stay tuned as things unfold...


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